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All restrictions are for the explicit purpose of public safety and security.

Additional items may also not be permitted inside the event area. Please use your best judgment and do not bring anything that may be potentially harmful or disruptive. Security Personnel will provide an opportunity for you to return to your vehicle and secure any item deemed prohibited, or request you surrender the item into the Amnesty Boxes. Surrendered items will not be returned to the owner.

  • Where should I stay overnight?
    Click here to view your options.
  • Is tailgating allowed?
  • When will the flying begin?
  • What time do the gates open?


  1. All persons, bags, parcels, clothing, and other items may be subject to screening/security checks at the event entrances and also within the event area. We reserve the right not to allow any bag, parcel or other items to be brought into the event. Like airport security, we will deal with any unattended object in such a way as we consider appropriate.

  2. If anyone is deemed a safety or security risk, they will be dealt with by Security Forces. Guests showing clear signs of public intoxication will be monitored closely.    

  3. Proper attire must be worn in at all times, including shirts and appropriate footwear. Guests may be denied entry if clothing or tattoos are deemed to be inappropriate. Examples include the display of Profanity, Pornography, Graphic Violence, Support Illegal Drugs or Drug Use, Gang symbols or promote discrimination against any group.

  4. Guests using profanity or abusive language, symbols, or gestures may be ejected.

  5. If children have shoes with built-in wheels, they will not be permitted to use the wheels in the event area.  

  6. Smoking is only authorized outside the event area in designated smoking locations.    

  7. Children younger than 12 must be supervised by an adult.

  8. Medical items require a doctors note.

  9. We reserve the right to eject spectators that attempt to damage any items in the event area or access roped-off displays and areas.                                                                                                                                                                                 

  10. Seymour Johnson Air Force Base is not a public forum.  Demonstrations, dissident activities, political speeches, and other unauthorized or disruptive behavior are not allowed.  The installation commander reserves the right to respond to and control persons who seek to disrupt the event, damage government property, or harm event participants; such measures may include removal/trespass from the installation, arrest by civilian authorities, and/or criminal prosecution.




 Wings Over Wayne
Air Show

MAY 3 - 4, 2025

Admission and Parking are FREE


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